Aceite para Barba Surtic

kr.133,00 kr.150,00

"Aceite Orgánico para Barba -SURTIC- (30ml / 1 Oz) Formulado exclusivamente a partir de aceites naturales que suavizan e hidratan la barba y la piel. La mezcla perfecta entre nuestros aceites Big Sur y Arctic. El balance perfecto entre el frescor ártico y la calidez de las playas de California. Los aromas mentolados y cítricos crean una sinfonía perfecta en tu barba. ¡Es como estar en dos sitios al mismo tiempo!

Ingredientes: Aceite Orgánico de Jojoba & Argán como aceites principales y Lavanda, Naranja, Menta, Lima y Pachulí como los aceites esenciales. Contiene Vitamina E.


Aplicación: Agita primero y luego coloca 4-6 gotas de aceite con la pipeta en la palma de tu mano. Frota en las manos y masajea en la barba y la piel. Para terminar el cuidado de tu barba, moldeala a tu propio estilo. Utilice 3-5 veces por semana.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Love it

I previously used big sur but fancied a change. This oil has a lovely faint smell to it and is easy to use. Buy it you won't regret it

Adam Chmiel
Surprisingly great!

After having amazing experience with the Big Sur Oil, I was a bit hesitant to try Surtic - you know, never change a winning team. Moreover, my experience says that if you mix 2 completely different products into one (as you hope the most of the people will like), the strange animal come out of it (which in the end nobody likes). Not this time! GB did a great job. After applying Surtic I can enjoy nice refreshment provided by the touch of peppering and in the same time, I can still feel that there is a deeper fragrance behind. It is just like the moment when you come out of the nicely smelling forest to the edge of the cliff and you are slapped with the cold wind coming from the north. Well done!

Johnny Toft
This is the bomb!

Best ingrediens list ive ever encountered. High quality products with strong scent from the essential oils - will never buy other oils since this is the Best

Niels Kjær

Har brug mange forskellige olier gennem de sidste år og har ikke fundet en olie som giver så meget verdi for pengene som Beard Brand Beard Oli - tak for det.

Love the oil

Oil goes on nice and cool. It conditions and smells great. May have found my new brand