Golden Blog
, by Oriol Font BEARD OILS AND BALMS. (Part 1)
Beard oils and balms are basic beard grooming products which are perfectly complementary but that can also be used independently for different purposes. As a...
, by Oriol Font What you can do to embrace your patchy beard. (Part 2)
Last week we went through some of the science behind having a patchy beard. This week we will talk about what you can do to...
, by Oriol Font The science behind the patchy beard (Part 1)
" The science behind the patchy beard One of the most common questions that we get in our mail inbox is whether our products can...
, by Oriol Font Golden Beards! Who are we?
First of all, we would like to welcome everyone to our newly created weekly blog! Here at Golden Beards we give a lot of importance...
, by Golden Beards The Ultimate Guide to Growing a Beard From Scratch by Golden Beards
"The Ultimate Guide to Growing a Beard From Scratch by Golden Beards Most men do not know how to grow a beard from scratch. This...
Last week we talked about what we use in our organic oils and how those ingredients are beneficial for your beard. This week we’ll go...